Boneseed is a weed of National Significance.
Scientifically it is known as
Chrysanthemoides monilifera subsp. monilifera It is a member of the daisy family and is native to South Africa.
It has gained its title of a weed of national significance due to the wide variety of conditions it can grow in; ability to populate new areas through the ready spread of seeds; economic impact on commercial production and capacity to suppress the growth of native vegetation. It can quickly form dense colonies.
Read more about Boneseed on the
Weeds Australia website. Boneseed is a weed of National Significance.
Scientifically it is known as
Chrysanthemoides monilifera subsp. monilifera It is a member of the daisy family and is native to South Africa.
It has gained its title of a weed of national significance due to the wide variety of conditions it can grow in; ability to populate new areas through the ready spread of seeds; economic impact on commercial production and capacity to suppress the growth of native vegetation. It can quickly form dense colonies.
Read more about Boneseed on the
Weeds Australia website.