Our Focus
This project has two weed species which threaten the structure of the woodland and as such are the highest priority for containment, removal and treatment.
Our highest concern is eradication of the bulb chincherinkee (Ornithogalum thyrsodies). It has great potential to invade high quality vegetation, and excludes all other herbaceous plants and orchids. The location the Ornithogalum is invading has many orchids and fern in winter so controlling it is essential to protect this area. If ever you see any flowering in any of the parks please send us a message.
Work on the Ornithogalum is seasonal, so when they are not able to be treated our priority becomes controlling the scattered olives. The olives are a serious pest plant in the Adelaide Hills, able to invade native bush and spread to form a dense mid story layer, robbing the soil of nutrients and water, surrounding native trees and if left long enough causing the eventual collapse of the ecosystem.